&hint1=I am a photograph& &hint2=I show structures associated with the American way of life& &hint3=I show the modern corporate skyscraper, possibly as an heir to structures such as obelisks& &hint4=I show the skyline of an American city& &choices=Skyline before September 11, 2001 with World Trade Center towers;Cleopatra's Needle, Central Park;Washington Monument Mall;Lion-hunting scene from the palace of Ashurbanipal;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London;Egyptian Obelisk, Place de la Concorde& &answer=Skyline before September 11, 2001 with World Trade Center towers& &search=NYC skyline trade center& &title=Skyline before September 11, 2001 with World Trade Center towers& &artist=& &medium=& &date=& &location=New York City& &dimensions=&